Mv5 Bmj M1 Nti4 Mdm4 N15 Bml5 Ban Bn Xk Ft Ztgw Nz I1 Ote2 Nj M@  V1 Sy1000 Cr0017741000 Al
Mv5 Bmtc3 Ota4 Mjk0 Nv5 Bml5 Ban Bn Xk Ft Ztgw Odi1 Ote2 Nj M@  V1 Sx1777 Cr001777998 Al
Cold Pursuit Trailer
Screen Shot 2018 10 26 At 11 16 03

Cold Pursuit

Our sound supervisor Gisle Tveito spent a summer designing this re-make of the Norwegian original. We also delivered equipment and DIT solutions for the Norwegian scenes.
